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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: COMMONWEALTH WRITERS: CALL FOR WRITERS

Wednesday 8 July 2015


Commonwealth Writers is increasing its online publications.  We aim to regularly publish stories from the countries and regions of the Commonwealth.
We have a particular interest in arts and culture in the different regions but also welcome thoughtful and less-heard socio-political stories.  Investigative or reflective essays, extended profiles, memoir, cartoons – these are all things we’re interested in.  The question is: what is happening around you that you think others (in your own region and around the world) might find interesting?
Stories vary in length but we usually run stories with images and between about 1,000-3,000 words.
We do also publish fiction but this particular call has a non-fiction focus.

 We invite writers to pitch ideas in connection with two schemes outlined below


We commission correspondents in the different regions of the Commonwealth.
For Commonwealth Writers the 53 countries of the Commonwealth are loosely grouped into five regions (Africa/ Asia/ Canada and Europe/ the Caribbean/ the Pacific) and we seek a correspondent from each.  They do not have to write ‘representing’ a region, but only to be writing stories from that part of the world.
Each correspondent will write up to 4 stories over a three month period.  Each story will be chosen and scheduled in discussion with Commonwealth Writers, with time for editing and revision.
Each correspondent will also agree with Commonwealth Writers a regular way of keeping us in touch with interesting happenings in their particular region.
The correspondent will be paid £1,200 GBP in three installments over the period of work.
Writers must be citizens of Commonwealth countries and be resident in the regions about which they are writing.
This scheme has previously been of particular interest to mid-career professional journalists and writers, who have said it gave them an opportunity to write more reflective pieces than they usually have a chance to publish, and with a detailed editorial process.

One-off Commissions

We also commission writers one piece at a time, following a good lead or story.  Payment for these stories varies according to the depth of research and writing required for each piece but begins at a baseline of £200 for a 2000 word piece, with images.
Although we can at present only publish stories in English, we would also welcome stories written in other languages that have been or can be translated into English.  Photo essays also count.
Writers must be citizens of Commonwealth countries but can be resident anywhere.
Some examples of previous publications are given here.  These stories were the first in our new series and we’re seeking to extend the range of stories we publish.   So, we are by no means only seeking pieces like the ones we’ve already got.  If you have an idea that doesn’t quite fit any of the guidelines given above but you think might still be of interest, by all means send it to us for consideration.

On Being Transgender in Sri Lanka  Smriti Daniel talks to three men about their day to day experiences
Nairobi’s Night Photographer  Isaac Otidi Amuke profiles Msingi Sasis, the photographer behind Nairobi Noir
Clarification  Sarnath Banerjee draws a response to the UK’s election debates
Changing Pakistan  Razeshta Sethna reflects on activism in Pakistan
Something Needed to be Said  Nazma Muller profiles the thinking behind the work of Trindadian painter Shalini Seereeram
The Happiest Place on Earth  Mere Nailatikau responds to the simplifications of the tourism industry

To apply to be a correspondent:

Send us:
– A written pitch (no more than one A4 page in length) for three story ideas;
– Two writing samples (as close as possible to the kind of piece you’d be writing for us);
– A current cv (with details of previous writing experience), including the name and contact details of at least one referee;
– A paragraph about yourself and why you would like to be a correspondent;
– One thought about how we could improve our website and publications;
Correspondents in this round should have the availability to work on this scheme between about mid August – mid November.  If you apply to be a correspondent you will automatically be considered for one-off commissions too.

To pitch a one off commission:

Send us:
– The idea;
– One writing sample (as close as possible to the kind of piece you’d be writing for us);
– A current CV or a paragraph about yourself and your previous writing experience.

Send your submissions to commonwealthwriters@gmail.com (Word attachments work best) and if you have any questions about this call please do contact us at the same address.

This call closes Monday 27 July (11.59pm in any time zone).  Please pass the word on.

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