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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: Everyone was born with a blank SLATE

Monday, 24 August 2015

Everyone was born with a blank SLATE

Every human being was born with a blank slate; nobody came into the world as an encyclopedia, though everyone was born with a seed of greatness planted deep inside him/her, but if you don’t get it right from start “that golden blank slate will become a worthless piece of junk.”
To start with you need education (Formal or Informal), then you start from the scratch and work your way up the ladder, if truly you’re serious about making an impact in the world. Don’t let your background, financial and social status at the moment shapes your life, take a stand.

“Remember the Good, Better, Best…’Never let it rest till your good is better and your better is best.”
The first step in achieving success is to:

The very first step is to have a plan, and in doing this. Ask yourself a few questions. Am I getting just enough to justify what i do now? Where did I want to go next? What did I want to do next? How will I source for funds? How much did I know about what I want to do and will I have fun doing this? Because for you to make money, you have to enjoy what you’re doing and also have fun on the job.
Then formulate your plans with the sincere answers to the above questions.

“However, before you react or go any further, think of the long-term plan”
Now that you have a plan, you will have to work on yourself, look after yourself and don’t generalize when talking about your potentials. Another key to getting it right is to “Cultivate diplomacy.” Also knowing the people who count in your field also go a long way in your plan to move up the ladder.

Having got the dream job or business seems enough for most people that they will just do it the conventional way and thus remain static. But doing the job isn’t the end of the game for you-its merely a means to the end. And the end for you is promotion, more money, success, getting on and up, amassing the contracts and experience to make you a global brand.
If you want to carve a niche for yourself and become a force to be reckoned with, don’t rest on your oars just yet, keep moving. While others are thinking of their next tea break or how to get through the afternoon without actually having to do anything, you should be busy planning and executing your next manoeuvre. Say to yourself “I won’t, I won’t stand still.” Yes you already have the job or business but you have to do supremely well, if you want to move up the ladder and be heard.

Take for instance one of the leading blogger in Nigeria, Laila Ijeoma of Lailasblog, A happily married mother of three lovely kids and a banker. Who started her blog a few years back as Laila Ikeji’s Blog and today because of her dedication and hard work, she’s among top earner in her niche. Despite the fact that bankers hardly have time to themselves, she fought the odds and kept on moving and she’s still moving on, inspiring a whole lot of us to do more. Another good example is Dr. Farrah Gray, 30, an American business man, investor, author and Philanthropist. He was raised by his mother in Chicago. Though from a humble background, Farrah started off early in life that he started his first venture at age six selling homemade lotion and hand painted rocks door-to-door. He became a millionaire just aged 14 and he received honorary doctorate degree at 21 for his business foresight and contributions to business development.

The time is now, You too can achieve greatness. But don’t just stand still, don’t leave that golden slate blank or you will live to regret it. Never accept that doing it the conventional way is enough. Movement requires of you that you don’t sit on your backside and do nothing-Don’t stand still.


  1. Wow, this post is wonderful. Thank you sooo much Tunde dear for the feature. Live your blog too

  2. Lovely post keep it up


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