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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: You too can change the World, Write down that Million dollar ideal now

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

You too can change the World, Write down that Million dollar ideal now

Do you know the BIGGEST LIE you tell yourself when an Ideal/thought crosses your mind is 'Oh i don't need to write that down, I remember it'. when as a matter of fact you won't remember it after five minutes, The moment you fail to write down that golden ideal when it crosses you mind forget...it's gone for good... Remember even the greatest of invention starts with just an ideal.But if you fail to pen it at that particular time it flashes through your head, you will never get the ideal right or as fresh as it ought to be when you got it initially.
That smart device you can't live without is someone's brainchild and he penned it before he began putting 1+2 together and the end result changed mobile technology industry....
You don't have to be a Pro-Writer to pen your ideals down, just be yourself and write in a way you will understand.

You can be the next Steve Jobs...

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