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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: Bangladesh informal factories, where children are forced to produce clothes for the West on just 20p a day

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Bangladesh informal factories, where children are forced to produce clothes for the West on just 20p a day

OMG! You won't believe these teenagers are forced to work in Bangladesh informal factories producing clothes for the west on just 20 pence a day. The bizarre and shocking conditions under which the children were made to work was captured by Photographer Claudio Montesano Casillas.

The images shows the grim reality for thousands of children in Bangladesh who are forced to work long crippling hours stitching labels into clothes.

Despite improved safety standards in formal factories, unregistered sweatshops like these are not inspected.
While the factories mainly make clothes for the local and Indian market, they also supply well-known and established international brands through subcontracts, which making it difficult for companies to know exactly where all their clothes are coming from.
Photographer Claudio Montesano Casillas has revealed both the shocking lack of safety controls inside some of Bangladesh's unregulated clothes factories as well as the grueling routines of the children that work there

Casillas visited the factories at first by accident as part of an 'Old Dhaka' tour, but was fascinated by the conditions.
An informal factory could comprise of a room with 15 sewing machines and are often without emergency exits, fire safety plans or extinguishers as they are not subjected to the nation wide fire and buildings safety assessments. 
The children, who don't have time to go to school, are tasked with a huge range of jobs from embroidery and sticking on sequins to dyeing fabric and machine cleaning

See more photos below:


  1. huh?? you mean these children produce these beautiful clothes????
    what a talent...


  2. This is child abuse.


  3. Poverty rate in that part of the world is worrisome


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