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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: Win 5000 Naira on Duketundesblog BRAIN TEASER today

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Win 5000 Naira on Duketundesblog BRAIN TEASER today

Good morning beautiful people, Win #5000 today on DUKETUNDESBLOG™ BRAIN TEASER Challenge..The first person to get the at least 80% in the challenge gets 5000 and 2 other people will get RECHARGE CARDS. Drop your answers in the comment section with your email address. Do have a Merry Christmas out there and stay sweet peeps. See questions below:
  2. Write 4 inside 5.

PS: Dead people don't celebrate, Don't drink and drive, If you must drink please don't DRIVE..stay save this festive season.


  1. This is hard jare. I will come back, lemme first dose my head in cold water and put some food in my stomach...brain teaser here I come...


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1.64 Squares on Chess Board.
    2.26 Letters of the Alphabet.
    3.7 Days of the Week
    4.7 Wonders of the World
    5.12 Signs of the Zodiac
    6.52 Cards in a Pack
    7.18 Holes on a Golf Course
    8.5 fingers on a Hand
    9.206 Bones in a Body
    10.6 Balls in a Over

    2.F(IV)E email: raechiana@gmail.com

  4. Answers
    1.64 Squares on Chess Board.
    2.26 Letters of the Alphabet.
    3.7 Days of the Week.
    4.7 Wonders of the World.
    5.12 Signs of the Zodiac.
    6.52 Cards in a Pack.
    7.18 Holes on a Golf Course.
    8.5 fingers on a Hand.
    9.206 Bones in a Body.
    10.6 Balls in a Over.

    2.Spell 5 in capitals F(IV)E luckydrumz77@gmail.com

  5. 1.64 Squares on Chess Board.
    2.26 Letters of the Alphabet.
    3.7 Days of the Week
    4.7 Wonders of the World
    5.12 Signs of the Zodiac
    6.52 Cards in a Pack
    7.18 Holes on a Golf Course
    8.5 fingers on a Hand
    9.206 Bones in a Body
    10. 6 Balls in a Over

    2.F(IV)E My mail is leo2pearl@gmail.com

  6. I don get alert oooooo, my christmas has started already thanks to duketundesblog.com. God Bless you for the 5k

  7. Congrats to Rachael


  8. Thanks a lot for the massive airtime reward. Really appreciate

  9. congrats Rachel

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Am really grateful for the cash i received yesterday. More blessings in 2016

  12. Thanks for participating in our Brain Teaser peeps and BIG congrats to the WINNERS...hope you're enjoying the holidays.

  13. More grace to your elbow ma mentor.


  14. I just bought a chest freezer from konga through ur blog. My first time buying from konga..lets see how it goes.


  15. Mariam, thanks wonderful and you will see you will never blame ya self.


    1. All these online retailers I just don't know. I bought a television from Jumia last month and the screen was cracked on delivery, i've to return it. Up till now I've not heard anything from them on refunding me my money or replacing the Television for me. I will see the end of it sha



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