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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: Mob gun down Killer Policeman in Lagos

Monday, 11 January 2016

Mob gun down Killer Policeman in Lagos

Karma or Justice served hot, A trigger happy police corpral got served a hot plate after he reportedly shot two people in a football field at Agege in Lagos State, according to The Nation.

The Policeman just identified as David, also popularly referred to as Iku Sunday, was attached to the Special Anti-Robbery Sqaud (SARS). He was shot in the forehead and neck on Salawu Street, Orile-Agege.

Reports say his assailants caught up with him in traffic around Elere, pursued him up to Salawu Street and shot him. His blood was splattered on his new Toyota Camry car seat, the windshield and windows were broken.

He had a pistol in his pocket, an AK47 rifle in his car’s boot, a gold necklace and cash, but they were not taken by his killers.

Witnesses said the late policeman opened fire on two persons on a football pitch. According to Police spokesman Joseph Offor, one of the victims was responding to treatment. The other did not survive.

“It is a serious issue. He has been posted to Ikorodu for over one week now but he has not reported there. We are yet to know how he had two guns in his possession and what he was doing with them," another police official said.

“Just the fact that he had those guns means dismissal. Because the IGP has been warning since last year that no policeman should take weapons home after duty.

“We cannot say it was armed robbery since his attackers did not take anything from him. He had two guns, a gold chain, and money bit none was touched.

“They just killed him and ensured he was dead. I do not know the condition of the people he shot but I heard one died in the hospital,” the person said.

1 comment:

  1. OMG don't know what to say.

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