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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: Twitter set to debut 10,000 characters

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Twitter set to debut 10,000 characters

If the reports on Technology site re/code is anything to go by, then good time is on the way for twitter users as Twitter is building a new feature that will allow users to tweet things longer than the traditional 140-character limit, and the company is targeting a launch date toward the end of Q1, according to multiple sources familiar with the company’s plans. Twitter is currently considering a 10,000 character limit, according to these sources. That’s the same character limit the company uses for its Direct Messages product, so it isn’t a complete surprise.

There is no official launch date set in stone, these sources say. It’s also possible the character limit could fluctuate before it rolls out the final product, which people inside Twitter refer to as “Beyond 140.”


  1. I think I like this idea. Nice one Twitter


  2. To those that tweet it's a good news.

    Please visit

  3. Really, that's a good one from Twitter.



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