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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: SATURDAY DIGEST: World's Most Infamous Murders (Day 4)

Saturday 6 February 2016

SATURDAY DIGEST: World's Most Infamous Murders (Day 4)

Good morning lovelies, how are you guys doing today and bet you had a lovely week out there. Today's SATURDAY DIGEST on the 'World's Most Infamous Murders' series is about "two sadistic killers of the utmost depravity" who made headlines world over between July 1963 and October 1965.Ian Brady, 27 at the time and Myra Hindley, 22 who became known as the 'MOORS MURDERS' killed five children aged between 10 and 17; Four of the victim were believed to have been sexually assaulted by the cold blooded murders.
Brady (L) Myra (R)
They got the moniker 'Moors murders' because two of the victims were discovered in graves dug on Saddleworth Moor; a third grave was however discovered on the moor in 1987, some 20 years after the duo were tried in 1966. The body of the fourth victim, is also believed to be buried there, but despite repeated searches it remained undiscovered.

Hindley, who worked as a typist was infatuated by Brady, a stock clerk with criminal past. They fell in love with each other and Brady kind of persuaded or hypnotize Hindley into "committing the perfect murder". For the love she had for him she started bleaching her hair blonde and applying thick crimson lipstick. In her 30, 000 plea for parole Hindley was quoted as saying "Within months he [Brady] had convinced me that there was no God at all: he could have told me that the earth was flat, the moon was made of green cheese and the sun rose in the west, I would have believed him, such was his power of persuasion."

Characterised by the press as "the most evil woman in Britain", Hindley made several appeals against her life sentence, claiming she was a reformed woman and no longer a danger to society, but she was never released. She died in 2002, aged 60. Brady was declared criminally insane in 1985, since when he has been confined in the high-security Ashworth Hospital. He has made it clear that he wishes never to be released, and has repeatedly asked that he be allowed to die.

Reference: Wikipedia


  1. Wickedness is a global phenomenon. People take another's life at will

  2. Let them allow him to die painfully too. Except he repent an seek for forgiveness h will never have peace.

    Mily's blog


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