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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: Mummified body of German adventurer found at Sea

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Mummified body of German adventurer found at Sea

MYSTERY: Two fishermen in Philippines discovered a drifting yacht with a broken sail nearly 40 miles from the coast and inside the white yacht, was the mummified body of a lone German adventurer, who was last since in 2009.

The mystery of the mummified sailor took a new twist after a haunting note and photos were uncovered on the yacht.

Manfred Fritz Bajorat, 59, whose body was discovered by two fishermen, wrote a thirty two word memorium to his beloved wife Claudia, who died from cancer aged 53 on 2 May 2010.

The memorium read 'Thirty years we're been together on the same path. Then the power of the demons was stronger than the will to live. You're gone. May your soul find its peace. Your Manfred,'
Mr Manfred pictured before he died (L) His Mummified Body (R)

These tragic final words were discovered on a forum for sailors on the Internet called kaktusguenther.de.

Mr Bajorat's body was found sitting near to the radio telephone as if he was trying one last desperate Mayday call to save himself when he died.

Manfred's 40-foot long yacht, named SAYO, had been cruising the oceans for the past 20 years.

Authorities in Philippines believed there was no foul play in his death after post-mortem. The doctors believes the he died of natural causes.

Thought it's still unclear how long Manfred has been dead. Inside the cabin, much of which was underwater, were found photo albums apparently showing his wife, family and friends, and clothes and tins of food were strewn all around.
One of the damaged photos found on the yacht

Dry ocean winds, hot temperatures and the salty air helped preserve his body.

Police are trying to retrace his last voyages and find the last people to speak with him.

He broke up with his wife in 2008, who had been on his travels with him, and she died two years later of cancer.

Photos from an album in the cabin have been uncovered, showing a family in happier times which testify to the life on land that Manfred sailed away from.

One image shows a wife, his daughter Nina, a friend and his partner, enjoying a picnic on a wooden table beneath sun dappled trees.

Another badly battered picture shows Manfred and a baby, presumably his daughter, with the words: 'Our first time with our little Button on the sea.'

Other fragments are snapshopts of Notre Dame in Paris and Claudia and Manfred enjoying a drink at a Parisian sidewalk cafe with the wording above; 'Drink Coca Cola.'

Yet another shows more familiar landmarks of the French capital including the grave of the Unknown Warrior and the Arc de Triomphe.

Other pictures from inside the yacht show the state of chaos in which it was found - clothing, footwear, books, paper - among the detritus. And a touch of humour too in the sign screwed into a bulkhead: 'This is a swell ship for the skipper....but a hell ship for the crew.'

Manfred had crisscrossed the world's oceans in 20 years at sea, clocking up over half a million nautical miles.

He sailed the Atlantic, he sailed the Pacific, he sailed around the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean, the Agean and, as a younger man, the waters of the Baltic bordering northern Germany.

Not all of it was done on his yacht: he was aboard the freighter Hyundai Renaissance on August 1 2008 when he crossed the equator en-route from Singapore to Durban, south Africa.

A certificate found aboard his shattered yacht showed he had adopted the nickname 'Tiger shark' to mark the event - a milestone in the lives of all mariners.

He posted regular updates on his Facebook page of his travels on the 160,000 pound yacht.

Source: Dailymail

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