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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: Tired of Earth? Be one of the first humans to live on Mars

Saturday 9 April 2016

Tired of Earth? Be one of the first humans to live on Mars

How adventurous are you? Are you tired on the conflicts on Earth or are you getting bored of your normal routine of homework and chores on Earth? Then this is for you....How about a trip to Mars?
What a Mars outpost might look like with vehicles to get around. NASA hopes to put humans on the planet by the 2030s. (NASA)

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) wants to send humans to Mars by the 2030's in an effort to determine whether there is, or was, life on the planet. So you can be one of the first humans to set foot on the red planet.

It would take six to eight months’ travel by rocket, if the planet is lined up with Earth in the right way, but if you don’t mind the wait and the risks, It will be an adventure of the century.

Stofan, 55, is one of the principal architects of that mission, which she’ll discuss April 17 at the USA Science & Engineering Festival in Washington.

She advises the head of NASA, former astronaut Charles Bolden, on all of the agency’s scientific projects. On any given day, she might be meeting with researchers in her Washington office to discuss experiments on the International Space Station, where astronauts are studying the effects of spaceflight on human health. Or she might be planning a new study of planets outside of our solar system.

Or she might be working on her biggest project, that trip to Mars.

“It’s part of our nature to explore,” says Stofan, “but for me, it’s about the science.”

Her father, a NASA scientist, took her to her first rocket launch when she was 4. The rocket blew up on the launchpad (no one was inside), but Stofan was hooked. She studied planetary geology — that’s rocks from other planets, and how those planets change over time — in college and graduate school and joined NASA as a researcher.

She was named chief scientist in 2013 and is doing her best to keep the agency on track for its 2030s Mars goal. NASA has two rovers on the planet, Curiosity and Opportunity, and a third is set to arrive around 2022. The rovers are searching for signs of life, but “it’s going to take geologists on Mars cracking open rocks to find evidence of life,” Stofan says.

Source: Washington Post

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