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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: See What Anonymous Hacker did to Isis twitter Accounts

Sunday 19 June 2016

See What Anonymous Hacker did to Isis twitter Accounts

A hacker from the group Anonymous has broken into pro-Isis twitter accounts and filled them with gay pride messages and pornography in the wake of the Orlando night club shooting.

Phrases such as “make love not war” and “I’m gay and I’m proud” appeared on the Isis profiles.
The accounts were hacked in response to the Orlando shootings.

On June 12, Omar Mateen attacked gay nightclub Pulse, which was the worst mass shooting in America’s history. The attack left 49 people dead, and dozens more injured.

Anonymous, a loose network of international “hactivists”, has previously declared war on Isis, promising to shut down their social media channels.
The Anonymous hacker and twitter user ‘WauchulaGhost’ appears to be behind the hackings. He claimed responsibility and posted screenshots of them.

His real identity remains hidden, but in a phone interview with the Washington Post he said: “My goal waking up in the morning [is to] see messages from Daesh, telling me they’re going to kill me or cut my head off. The madder they get, the happier I get.”
The hacked twitter accounts later appeared to have been suspended, fulfilling Anonymous’ aim of shutting down Isis propaganda sites.

Culled from YahooNews

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