If you've read JK Rowlings Harry Potter series then the name Lord Voldemort also known as the 'Dark Lord' will not be new to you. Fans of the books have always pronounced Voldemort's name just as it was written but in a recent tweet between the famous author of book and a fan, She revealed that the 't' at the end of the dark wizard's name is actually supposed to be silent. Which means his name sounds like French 'Vol de mort' meaning flying death.
However, others fans pointed out that the name of Harry Potter's arch-nemesis could also be short for 'voleur de mort, which means 'death thief' or 'to steal from death'.
The translation seems appropriate, since Voldemort was stopped from dying after being magically linked with Harry while trying to cast the killing curse avada kedavra on him.

The translation seems appropriate, since Voldemort was stopped from dying after being magically linked with Harry while trying to cast the killing curse avada kedavra on him.
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