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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: E-cigarette spits out burning nicotine leaving a man with a hole in the lung

Friday 23 October 2015

E-cigarette spits out burning nicotine leaving a man with a hole in the lung

A 33-year-old man from Horley, in Surrey who bought the £100 e-cigarette-which is meant to turn fluid into vapour, with the aim to give up smoking was rushed to the emergency unit of a hospital with a hole burnt through his lung after the device spat hot nicotine liquid down his throat.

According to Richard Courtney, who said he  can't believe it put him in hospital as he tried to give up smoking after 16 years.

The Sun newspaper reported that Richard was walking home from a friend’s house when he tasted fluid and started coughing.

He said “Then it felt like I’d got a trapped nerve in my shoulder. In the morning I had a really tight chest and couldn’t breathe properly.

“I went to hospital. One of the nurses there put my vape on an oxygen tube and showed that it was spitting liquid out.” 

 He was kept in overnight at the Acute Medical Unit of East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, and discharged with an inhaler.

But five days later his chest tightened up again and he spent another night in hospital.

He returned to work as a trainer for an insurance firm on Monday.

Speaking to the Sun, Mr Courtney said: “I want to give up completely but at the moment I’m just having the odd roll-up. I’m such an addict I can’t just go cold turkey even after what happened.”

However, there are some who have cast doubt on Mr Courtney's claim to have burnt a hole in his lung through use of a vape.

KangerTech, the Chinese maker of his e-cigarette, has been approached for comment, but has not yet responded. 

1 comment:

  1. You better give it up now that you still have the opportunity before it makes your life miserable


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