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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: Hairball weighing more than a Kilo removed from 11-year-old girl's stomach

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Hairball weighing more than a Kilo removed from 11-year-old girl's stomach

TF! An unnamed 11-year-old girl who was admitted into a hospital in Taraz, in southern Kazakhstan's Jambyl region for severe stomach pain and unable to eat or drink eas found to have a giant hairball weighing more than a kilo in her stomach.
Surgeons at the hospital decided to operate immediately to find out what was wrong, and were shocked when they discovered the huge ball of hair in her digestive system.
They found 17cm  (6.7in) of hairball filling her stomach and 35cm (13.8 inches) protruding into her bowel.

Her parents admitted they had often spotted her chewing her long hair, but said they didn't know this habit was unhealthy.

They also had no idea she was swallowing the hair she chewed off, a condition known as tricophagia. See another photos below:

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