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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: 7 Ways Donald Trump is Just like US Founding fathers

Friday, 8 April 2016

7 Ways Donald Trump is Just like US Founding fathers

As the race for who becomes the next United States president gets hotter and with many analyst declaring that the US electioneering campaign have officially hit all time low with the front-runners calling each other out everywhere they went to campaign, YAHOO News takes us on a journey of 7 ways Republican front-runner "Donald Trump" is just like the United States Founding Fathers.....

“We have officially hit a new low in political discourse,” declared Stephen Colbert (after Trump’s penis allusion on national television). Next, the Huffington Post warned, “Recent violence at Trump rallies marks a new low for American politics.” Not long after that, the Financial Times said: “Trump v Cruz hits new low as wives dragged into fray.”  Read more Here

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