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Literary Openings, Gadgets and News in Nigeria | Duketundesblog: HORROR: Popstar killed by king cobra while performing on stage

Thursday, 7 April 2016

HORROR: Popstar killed by king cobra while performing on stage

An Indonesian popstar who was well-known for using reptiles in her acts died on stage after she was bitten by a king cobra.

Irma Bule, 29, was attacked mid-performance in the village of Karawanf, West Java, by the highly venomous snake. It was reported that Irma thought the cobra had been de-fanged.

The popstar carried on performing for 45 minutes despite being bitten by the cobra, before collapsing and dying on stage.

She was later confirmed dead in hospital. 

Ferlando Octavion Auzura, who was in the audience, told a local website: 'In the middle of the second song, Irma stepped on the snake's tail. The snake then bit Irma in her thigh.'  

The singer, who had also used boa constrictors and pythons in previous acts, refused the offer of an antidote, according to reports.

Police say they are investigating the incident and have asked people in the audience for information.  

Irma’s mother Encum said that her daughter had always used a python but this time a cobra was provided by the show’s organisers.

Usually the pythons her daughter performed with had their jaws taped together for extra security, even though they were not toxic, she told Indonesian news site Si Momot.

‘My daughter might not have known that the snake that was given to her for the show was a dangerous cobra. 

'She was told she could wear it, even though its mouth was not closed with duct tape,' said the entertainer's mother. 

King cobras can grow up to 18 feet and are found in India, Southeast Asia and southern China.

They are one of the deadliest snakes on the planet, with the amount of toxins released in a single bite enough to kill an elephant, or 20 people.

But the beasts are shy so usually avoid humans.

Source: Dailymail

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